tresdecu -
I added two comments on that thread. (I used my real name). I pointed to my article about Whitney ( and have had over 200 hits originating from that posting.
There is a lot of arguing about doctrinal issues and the whole thing has veered away from anything supporting Whitney and her family.
My comment was in response to an obvious JW girl who spewed a total lie about Ray Franz. Here is my segment of that thread:
" Angie Pangie 24 pts rjscmw People really should educate themselves about JW's. Don't just read the websites that support them. Make sure to read the book Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz. My in-laws are JW's and they are some messed up people.
Timaaa Gonzales 20 pts That makes absolutely no sense. If you want to learn the truth about someone you don't go to their enemies. If you wan't to learn about someone or an organization you go to them first. This way you get the facts and not someones twisted view of them. Timaaa Gonzales 20 pts Raymond Franz was nothing more then a disgruntled JW. The fact that his movement is all but dead and gone is proof that he did not have divine backing. The fact that JW's is progressively moving forward as an organization and that millions have chosen to dedicate and live up to their dedication by serving as God's witnesses proves that God's spirit is upon them. John Hoyle 0 pts Timaaa Gonzales: Raymond Franz led no movements against the JWs. He did write two books about his experiences while part of the 1970s era Governing Body, but he never took the lead in the ex-JW movements. It does nothing for the memory of Miss Heichel to try to defend the Watchtower Society by passing on false information about those who have left the religion due to their own reasons of conscience. unknown 13 pts John Hoyle It also does nothing for the memory of Miss Heihel to defend Raymond Franz. John Hoyle 0 pts Angie Pangie: rjscmw Here is a link to a supportive article written about Whitney Heichel on a JW discussion website. There is much more to this story than meets the untrained eye: We have all felt the loss of Whitney and grieve along with her family. " ------------------------------------------ "unknown" was awarded 13 points for that little jab back at me - and yet never said a thing about Timaaa Gonzales' jab and total lie about Ray? Geez... So yes, I tried to represent our side of the story briefly, but was not about to get into a cat fight over who was lying to the masses. JV